$2,000 BABY!!! Goal #1 has been reached!!! Tomorrow is the marathon and I have reached the first of the two goals that I set for myself this year. The second goal is to finish the race in under 5 hours. That goal I can rely on no one but myself but the 1st goal could not have been reached without the help of many, many people. I have mentioned a number of people that have helped me reach this goal and now it is time to recognize some more people who rock.
Before I forget, I want to make sure that I mention the people who donated but not on the firstgiving website. First off there is another of my Theatre Group friends, Ed Quinlan, who is a lawyer who rocks.
Then there is the strange case of a donation that I received from un-named people from Studio 109 in Millis. Their haircuts rock and now we all know that they rock as well.
Charles Gobron is an old friend of my wife that I have met only a handful of times but he gave very generously so it is obvious that he rocks.
There is Jonathan Steeves who is a REAL runner that is the epitome of rock-i-tude.
How about my old boss from Gillette Stadium, Bret Hartley. Does he rock? Well I'll give you three guesses but you're only gonna need one.
There is my favorite oldest sister Jean who has rocked since I came home from the hospital after I was born and she would rush into the bedroom and look at me. (That one's for you Jean)
As I have said before, I was recently in a production of a play called Two Into One and I played opposite of a man named Bob O'Neil. He rocked in that play and he rocks in general.
I have an old friend that, through the miracle that is Facebook, I have recently got back in touch with. His name is Pat Sibley and he has a beautiful wife named Erin. I knew when I was in their wedding over 20 years ago that they rocked and I am happy to report that they still do.
I have mentioned before that our old Eden Street neighbors, Terri, Dom and Vito rock and because they donated twice I think it is clear that they rock twice as hard.
There is a girl from my past name Pam Devin (well when I knew her her last name wasn't Devin but that kind of thing happens when you don't see a person for a couple of decades) anyway she rocked then and she rocks now.
As if I haven't mentioned enough of my theatre group friends, here is another one. The ever beautiful and ever vivacious Donna Cabibo ; if you live in and around Millis you know Donna and you are aware of how much she and her whole family rocks.
At the risk of being repetitive...ah screw it... I'll be as repetitive as I want about just how much my sister-in law Julie Parsons ROCKS!
And finally...my mother-in-law Caryl who continues to rock even though she is not having the best of springs. Keep the faith Caryl. We are all right there with you.
Oh...one last thing about people who rock. If there were an award show for people who rock (Maybe we'll call them The Rockies) there would be one name that would be mentioned more than any other. She would win Rocker of the Year..hell they would even name the Rock Lifetime Acheivement Award after her and then give it to her every year. This remarkable person is my wife, Kristen. She has had a lousy year and a half and yet she still finds the time to support me every step of the way during my marathon training, fundraising and run. Believe me when I tell you, when it comes to the race of who has the most rock-someness, we are all just trying for second place. Thank you Kristen...YOU ROCK!!
Now it is time to try to get some sleep because it seems to me that I have something to do tomorrow. I can't quite remeber what it is but I'm sure it will come to me.
Til next time...
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